Community Garden Plot Program


Resident Registration: January 2

Non-Resident Registration: April 1 (based on availability)

Community Garden Plots @ Commissioners Park

The Garden Plot Program is an opportunity for individuals to be part of a community gardening program. It is an opportunity for participants in the program to enjoy nature, plant flowers, grow fruits and vegetables for food, and get exercise from the practice of gardening. Approximately 24 garden plots are available to rent on a first come first served (one plot per family) basis. Plots measure 20 x 20 feet and are located at Commissioners Park. The Garden Plot season is from May 1 – October 31 (weather permitting).

Plots measure 20 x 20 feet.
The Garden Plots are located at Commissioners Park, 22108 S. 80th Ave. 
(Located by the Frankfort Bark Park)

The Garden Plot season is May 1 – October 31 (weather permitting).
(Must begin planting by June 1)

The Garden Plot Manual is available below or at the Founders Community Center.  The rules and guidelines within this manual ensure that all participating gardeners have the opportunity for a positive gardening experience, that garden plot sites are a positive asset to the community and that all plots are used in a productive manner. By following the rules and guidelines, gardeners show that they want the garden plot program to be an important aspect in the community. All gardeners must agree to follow the rules and guidelines of the Garden Plot Program.

Click here to download the Garden Plot Manual of Rules & Guidelines

Click here to download the Garden Plot Code of Conduct


Commissioners Park
22108 S. 80th Ave (Located by the Frankfort Bark Park)


May 1 – October 31 (Must begin planting by June 1)

Garden Plot Fees:

Residents: $50/plot*
Non-residents:  $60/plot*

*A $50 refundable clean-up deposit is required at the time of registration.



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