
Rental Information

The Founders Community Center is available for weddings, showers, parties, meetings and all of your conference needs.  Our classrooms, gymnasium and Founders Room are perfect for groups of 5-120.  The Founders Room of the Founders Center may be reserved six months prior to the scheduled event.  For more information and policies download the Indoor Rental Form or call (815) 469-9400.

Please Note: Rental Applications must be completed in full and turned in by the 23rd of the month to reserve for the following month.

Download Indoor Rental Form

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Facility Rental Fees

FACILITY CAPACITY Rates are per hour unless noted
Founders Room* 120 Seated $100 $200 $200
Classroom* 30 Seated $40 $60 $80
Gym – Athletic* Bleachers $60 $80 $80
Gym – Special Event** 150 Seated + Bleachers, Limit 250 $80 $140 $200
Party Room – Only with Gym Rental 30 Seated $20 $20 $20
Main Park Pavilion*** Seating for 24, Limit 50 $100 – 5 hr. $150 – 5 hr. $200 – 5 hr.
Fort Frankfort Pavilion*** Seating for 36, Limit 50 $100 – 5 hr. $150 – 5 hr. $200 – 5 hr.
Splash Park Party Seating for 24, Limit 60 $200 – Party $250 – Party $250 – Party

*2 Hour Minimum
**3 Hour Minimum
***5.5 Hour Maximum

Please note:  No grilling or liquor allowed at Fort Frankfort

Optional Fees/Equipment Rental

  • No charge for use of the kitchen when renting other program space (based on availability).
  • Community Group Usage is available at no charge during regular business hours when facilities are not in use for Park District Programming.
  • Organizations that are able to provide proof of their non-profit (501C3) status may be eligible for discounted rates at the Executive Directors discretion.

Look for the Staff Shirt

There will be a Park District Building Supervisor present for every activity at the Founders Center and all Park programs held at Hickory Creek Middle School, Chelsea Intermediate School, Grand Prairie Elementary School and Lincoln-Way East Field House.   They are responsible for monitoring the building and assisting when needed.  They are easily identified by their Park District shirt.

Pavilion & Park Rentals

The parks district offers pavilion rentals for gatherings. Please keep in mind smoking of any kind is not permitted in parks and alcoholic beverages are only permitted with a permit at Main Park. Please note that a reservation and park permit is required for any group of 10 or more people; groups of 50 require a Special Event permit with approval so please plan ahead.

All pavilions at Commissioners Park and Main Park shall require a permit for use by 10 or more persons.  There must be a minimum of 1 adult per every 10 children.  The maximum number of persons per pavilion shall be 50.  User must complete the Application for Use of Facilities form provided by the Park District and pay fees accordingly. Rental of a pavilion includes the pavilion ONLY. Rentals do not include playgrounds, ballfields or any other recreational area, the park is open for public use.  All rules and ordinances of the Park District must be followed and will apply to pavilion users.

Motorized vehicles of any kind may not be driven by the public on property owned or leased by the Frankfort Park District except on designated roadways.  Only authorized Park District vehicles may be driven in the parks.

Download Pavilion Rental Form

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