Weed Control
Integrated Pest Management shall be used to prevent and control pest problems in or on property maintained by the Frankfort Park District. Non-chemical controls shall be given preference over chemical controls. Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is a system of controlling nuisance wildlife that uses a combination of methods to maximize the effectiveness of control, while minimizing pesticide application and the potential hazards associated with their use. IPM focuses on maintaining healthy plants and soil, thus enabling the Park District to more effectively control pest problems.
Structural Controls
The use of a whole systems approach to controlling pest populations, which may include addressing structural issues in both building and landscapes. Examples of structural controls include adopting long-term maintenance practices, such as caulking and sealing, repairing the building or landscape to remove places where pests may breed.
Biological Controls
The use of a pest’s natural predators or parasites to eliminate or reduce the pest problem.
Mechanical Controls
The use of mechanical procedures to eliminate or reduce pest populations, such as mowing, hand pulling, topdressing and aeration of lawns.
Physical Controls
The use of controls that physically inhibit pests’ ability to inhabit an area by modifying their environment. Examples of physical controls include using traps and barriers, influencing temperatures, controlled burning or hand-pulling of weeds.
Usage of Pesticides
When other methods of pest control are not effective, pesticides may be used. Pesticide use by the District shall be in compliance with all federal, state and local laws. No pesticide shall be used unless it is registered for its intended use. All pesticides shall be used according to specific label directions. All pesticides shall be applied by a licensed operator and supervised by a licensed applicator as governed by the State of Illinois Pesticides Act.
- Federally registered pesticides shall only be applied by contractors or staff trained and licensed for pesticide application. Staff shall participate in training sessions designed to improve the supervision, safe handling and application of pesticides.
- All pesticides shall be stored and disposed of properly.
- Notification: The public shall be notified of any interior or exterior application of pesticides, as well as any applications on large exposed areas in or on any property maintained by the District as follows:
- Exterior Post-application flags shall be placed onsite and will include: date of the application and the pesticide applied. Flags to be removed after 48 hours. People and pets should remain off the sprayed area until the application is dry which is typically 20-60 minutes.
- Where pesticides have been applied to interior spaces, signs shall be posted at the entrances and will include date of the application and the pesticide applied.