# 1 Time: Train departs at 9:30 am sharp, or # 2 Time: Train departs at 11:20 am sharp, Hickory Creek Metra Station – 9430 Hickory Creek Drive, Mokena, $17 Frankfort Park District Residents Only, $22 Non-Residents (if tickets are still available after resident registration)
Sunday, December 12
Hickory Creek Metra Station – 9430 Hickory Creek Drive, Mokena
# 1 Time: Train departs at 9:30 am sharp
# 2 Time: Train departs at 11:20 am sharp
All Ages
$17 Frankfort Park District Residents Only
$22 Non-Residents (if tickets are still available after resident registration)
Frankfort Park District Boundary Resident Only Lottery Registration
Special Registration forms will be accepted at the Founders Community Center office from November 1-12. All forms are due by November 12 at 12:00 pm. Forms will be available on our website beginning November 1. All forms will be processed on November 15 and families will be notified. Tickets will be available for pick-up at the main office.
For additional information please contact the Frankfort Park District office at 815-469-9400 or www.frankfortparks.org