5:00 – 9:00 pm, Main Park, $10 Wristbands
Thursday, July 4
5:00 – 9:00 pm
Main Park • 200 S. Locust Street
$10 Wristbands Include: Unlimited access to inflatables, kids carnival games, face painting, balloon artist, DJ dance party
Sponsored by:
Five Guys Named Moe: 7:30 – 9:00 pm (sponsored by: Kiwanis Club of Frankfort)
The spectacular fireworks display is sponsored by:
Volunteers Wanted: The Frankfort Park District is looking for volunteers to help at our annual 4th of July Celebration. Volunteers will help supervise kid’s carnival games and inflatables. Please email Cali DeBella at cdebella@frankfortparks.org if you are interested.
For additional information please contact the Frankfort Park District office at 815-469-9400 or www.frankfortparks.org