11:30 am – 2:30 pm, Founders Community Center, 140 Oak Street, (location changed due to expected weather)
Saturday, April 27
11:30 am – 2:30 pm
Founders Community Center, 140 Oak Street,
(location changed due to expected weather)
5 – 14 years old (sellers)
$10 per space (includes table & advertising)
Again this year, the Kids Garage Sale will be part of our annual Earth Day Celebration. The Garage Sale will be outdoors in the Main Park north parking lot. Kids will be able to make some money and make room for new items in this KIDS ONLY garage sale! Parents please don’t be tempted to set your own stuff out. Children are not to be left unattended; an adult should be with them at all times.
Registration Deadline: April 18
For additional information please contact the Frankfort Park District office at 815.469.9400 or www.frankfortparks.org